Advantages of selling used industrial machinery

Advantages of selling used industrial machinery

Surely if you are here, it is because you are considering selling that industrial machine that you no longer use or that you would like to renew for a more current model. In addition, you may have doubts about how the second-hand industrial market works and you are not sure how or to whom to sell your company’s machinery.

We advise you to always go to professionals, to companies dedicated to the purchase and sale of second-hand machinery because they will give you a real price, adjusted to the market and to the properties of your machine. Forget about surprises!

Below, we show you all the advantages of selling used industrial machinery; certainly there are many more than you have thought at first.

We tell you about the advantages of selling second hand industrial machinery

First of all, it is important to point out that selling used machinery does not mean selling old industrial machinery in bad condition. It must be taken into account that when valuing a used machine, factors such as the type of work performed, time of use, maintenance, etc. come into play. From 3Axisgroup we make sure that the machine we are going to sell complies with everything necessary for its optimal and safe operation. This requirement is very important for us and for our customers.

For this reason, all our machines are subjected to functionality tests where a geometric verification among other things is carried out.

Some of the most relevant advantages are:

· You care for the environment

Although we are used to taking measures to reduce our environmental impact, perhaps you have not thought that used industrial machinery contributes to the sustainability and care of the environment because you extend the useful life of products that are in perfect condition.

· Help your less-experienced clientele to avoid costly errors

On many occasions customers with workshops perform very diverse tasks and, consequently, many do not want to invest in new machinery, with the investment that this entails, being that it may not fit the needs of their business in the long term. In these cases used machinery is a great solution as it has a significantly reduced price and can meet the production needs they have at that precise moment.

· You get money from something you don’t use anymore

This advantage is undoubtedly one of the most important and the one you will have thought of first when selling your industrial machine. At this point we must be aware that although we expect to recover the investment that was made at the time, industrial machinery, as happens with cars, has already lost value once it is bought new. However, you can get a profit and extra money for a product that will no longer be useful to you. 

· 3Axis Group find potential buyers for your machine

We offer you different solutions, so you can choose the one that best suits the needs of your business. If the machine you want to sell is in operation in production line you can continue to count on it until the loading day. How? We manage the whole selling process for you. We have a large base of potential customers who visit our website to buy 100% reliable used machinery.

Also, if you prefer a more comfortable sale, we promote the sale of your machine in places closer to your company.

To give you more flexibility and that you only have to think about the day to day of your business we have a team of professional technicians who are responsible for your machine is disassembled and ready to be loaded. 

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